Wednesday, January 09, 2008


Lisbon Neuroscience Meeting

Wednesday, January 16, 18h00
Instituto de Medicina Molecular, Av. Prof. Egas Moniz, Lisboa

Thursday, November 29, 2007


Novo site da SPN

A SPN tem "cara nova".
Vejam, comentem, e participem! O site é para todos, e agora não há desculpas.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


PENS Summer School 2007

July 8-15, 2007 - Ofir, Portugal
PENS Summer School 2007
Novel Molecular Strategies to treat Neurodegenerative Diseases

Application Deadline: April 15, 2007


Science of the Brain

This is a very useful link to the ones new in Neuroscience. Here you can download the book "Science of the Brain" for free (and you can also choose the language).

Hope it helps!

Monday, February 26, 2007



Choosing the right models for research on cognition and its disturbances
Summer School
Ofir , Portugal , June 20 – 27, 2007
Hotel Ofir
Check for further information


Can Sudoku generate new brain cells?

A few weeks ago, my roommate interrupted my frustrating studying session to print off a Sudoku puzzle. Curious about the game I've seen many classmates obsessing over, I printed myself off an "easy" version and got to work. After a few minutes, I was immersed in the puzzle and had completely forgotten about the pressing test the next morning.

After more than an hour of working through the game, I found myself pleasantly satisfied when I completed the puzzle. Furthermore, upon returning to my studies, I discovered a newfound sense of concentration and understanding of the material. Had using my brain on my study break, as opposed to engaging in mindless activities, given me a second wind and actually revamped my mental astuteness?

It seems that with the increased popularity of Sudoku and other mind-challenging games, studies have been conducted to determine how these activities effect brain activity and if they truly can give you a mental edge with other intellectual activities. "Just as the body benefits from activities such as sit-ups and swimming, the brain builds its muscles through a variety of mental activities, whether it's Sudoku sprints or Monopoly marathons," said Scott Craven of the Arizona Republic.

So, in other words, exercising the brain can actually help the brain produce new cells. This gives new light to the notion "if you don't use it, you lose it."

A study published in the July 1998 issue of Neuroscience magazine showed that rats that were given a difficult water maze to complete actually produced a chemical in their brain that catalyzes cell production. While it may seem like common sense to rest the brain after a long period of mental activity, as one would rest the body during halftime of a sporting event, it seems that studies have shown that "using the mind actually causes rewiring of the brain, sprouting new synapses -- it may even cause the generation of new neurons," said Joseph Coyle, a professor of psychiatry and neuroscience at Harvard Medical School, in a Washington Post article titled "Mind games may trump Alzheimer's. "So with all of this research completed showing the connection between brain activity and mental astuteness, are there certain activities that one should participate in order to encourage cell production?

Dr. Goldman, author of "Brain Fitness", said keeping the mind active by trying new mind challenging activities and unfamiliar behaviors "can help develop underused brain connections. "He specifically makes the following suggestions to encourage brain fitness:- Take up word games like crossword puzzles and acrostics- Memorize favorite poems or famous passages like the Gettysburg Address- Read challenging books or articles that encourage you to expand your interests- Practice other-handedness. If you're right-handed, try brushing your teeth or writing your grocery list with your left hand. Furthermore, varying activities, like varying physical exercise, encourages new parts of the brain to be used and helps avoid boredom because of redundancy.

So next time you find yourself frustrated with a homework assignment or simply bored of mindless activities, try your hand at a Sudoku puzzle or crossword puzzle. They are not hard to find online or in the newspaper.

Kara Nicole Batt

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Apoio à participação de PosDocs portugueses na 10ª Reunião da SPN

Apoio à participação de PosDocs portugueses na 10ª Reunião da SPN

A Sociedade Portuguesa de Neurociências (SPN), disponibiliza apoio financeiro para deslocação de PosDocs portugueses (750€ por pessoa, máximo 10) que residam fora do país e queiram participar na 10ª Reunião da SPN, que ocorrerá em Ofir de 23 a 26 de Maio de 2007.

As reuniões da SPN têm como objectivo promover intercâmbio científico entre os vários neurocientistas portugueses, sendo abertas a sócios ou não sócios da SPN. A atribuição do subsídio acima mencionado também não requer ou implica filiação na SPN.

Estão previstas comunicações orais em simpósios subordinados aos temas: neurodegenerative disorders; regeneration; pain; behaviour and neuro-imuno-endocrinology; neuronal injury and repair; development; neuronal and visual circuits; therapies, bem como comunicações em painel. A língua oficial da reunião será inglesa mais informações, consultar a página da SPN.

A selecção dos candidatos será feita pela Direcção da SPN, e terá em consideração:

- Mérito relativo das comunicações

- Adequação aos temas da reunião

- CV dos candidatos

- Motivação para participar na reunião

Os candidatos deverão enviar até ao dia 15 de Dezembro, por email ( para a Direcção da SPN (Ana Sebastião) os seguintes elementos:

- Título e ‘abstract’ provisório da comunicação (o mesmo poderá ser alterado quando da inscrição na reunião)

- CV resumido

- Breve texto de motivação

A informação sobre a atribuição ou não do subsídio será enviada a todos os candidatos até 15 de Janeiro de 2007.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Almoco - Convivio, Viena, Austria, durante o FENS

Os Neurocientistas Portugueses que participarem no Forum da FENS, em Viena, no proximo mes de Julho, estao convidados para um almoco - convivio promovido pela Sociedade Portuguesa de Neurociencias (SPN).

Data: 10 de Julho de 2006
Local: Hall N green level do Centro de Congressos
Hora: 13:30-14:00

Marquem nas vossas agendas e aparecam!

Thursday, February 23, 2006


Inscricoes no Blog

Para evitarmos que o blog da Network of Portuguese Neurosicentists seja "atacado" por spam, pedimos as pessoas para se inscreverem como membros do blog.
Para isso, basta enviar um email para indicando:

- Nome
- Instituicao
- Posicao actual

Agradecemos desde ja a vossa compreensao!

Thursday, February 09, 2006


PAPS Welcomes the Network of Portuguese Neuroscientists

It is a great pleasure for PAPS, together with the Portuguese Society for Neuroscience (SPN), to launch this blog dedicated to the Network of Portuguese Neuroscientists. After the first meeting of the Network of Portuguese Neuroscientists in Washington DC, during the Neuroscience meeting in 2005, we are now starting this blog which should enable people to connect, set up collaborations, share information, and act as a real network.

Tiago Fleming Outeiro, President of PAPS


Maria Joao Saraiva Welcomes the Network of Portuguese Neuroscientists

As a Portuguese neuroscientist based in Portugal, I have the perception of a universe of Portuguese colleagues working in the same area of Science abroad. I had the privilege of knowing a minute part of them during their basic training in Portugal. As time goes by, this community becomes progressively unknown to the country. We should at least perceive who these colleagues are, what their expertises are and promote interactive events that benefit us all. Networking is the least we can do!

Maria Joao Saraiva, IBMC, Porto


SPN Welcomes the Network of Portuguese Neuroscientists

It is a great pleasure for the Portuguese Society for Neurosciences (SPN), together with PAPS, to launch this blog dedicated to the Network of Portuguese Neuroscientists. Neuroscience within Portugal is one of the most active fields in biosciences in what concerns internationalization, quality of publications and citations. We believe that the Network of Portuguese Neuroscientists will greatly contribute to tighten the scientific and friendship interactions with those temporarily or permanently working outside the country, and do hope this will prove mutually stimulant.

Ana Sebastiao, President of SPN

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