Thursday, February 23, 2006


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Thursday, February 09, 2006


PAPS Welcomes the Network of Portuguese Neuroscientists

It is a great pleasure for PAPS, together with the Portuguese Society for Neuroscience (SPN), to launch this blog dedicated to the Network of Portuguese Neuroscientists. After the first meeting of the Network of Portuguese Neuroscientists in Washington DC, during the Neuroscience meeting in 2005, we are now starting this blog which should enable people to connect, set up collaborations, share information, and act as a real network.

Tiago Fleming Outeiro, President of PAPS


Maria Joao Saraiva Welcomes the Network of Portuguese Neuroscientists

As a Portuguese neuroscientist based in Portugal, I have the perception of a universe of Portuguese colleagues working in the same area of Science abroad. I had the privilege of knowing a minute part of them during their basic training in Portugal. As time goes by, this community becomes progressively unknown to the country. We should at least perceive who these colleagues are, what their expertises are and promote interactive events that benefit us all. Networking is the least we can do!

Maria Joao Saraiva, IBMC, Porto


SPN Welcomes the Network of Portuguese Neuroscientists

It is a great pleasure for the Portuguese Society for Neurosciences (SPN), together with PAPS, to launch this blog dedicated to the Network of Portuguese Neuroscientists. Neuroscience within Portugal is one of the most active fields in biosciences in what concerns internationalization, quality of publications and citations. We believe that the Network of Portuguese Neuroscientists will greatly contribute to tighten the scientific and friendship interactions with those temporarily or permanently working outside the country, and do hope this will prove mutually stimulant.

Ana Sebastiao, President of SPN

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